I'm involved in a variety of public speaking engagements every month. Some of the more exciting ones are listed below! If you'd like to contact me about speaking at your event, please click here:
“Your program was in my opinion one of the most enjoyable and informative [we have] recently been privileged to hear ... The quality and caliber of your presentation was absolutely first rate...”
Above & Beyond: Cosmic Conversations
From 2014 - 2017, I produced and hosted the Fiske Planetarium series Above & Beyond. The show was an innovative look at the intertwined nature of modern science and our society at large. Every month, we presented a story - not a lecture! - about an intersection of these domains and then join the audience for an all-inclusive discussion about the implications and merits of the topic.
“We live in a world increasingly dominated by science and technology, yet our relationship with them remains tenuous, at best. Above & Beyond explores the intersection of science and society: what are the implications of the latest research on our everyday lives? What responsibility do scientists and the general public have to understand each other? Where should we go next? Join us every month for a conversation about these questions and more!”
Weekly Space Hangout
The Weekly Space Hangout is a live, online astronomy round table produced by Universe Today and hosted by Fraser Cain. I appear as a regular panelist to discuss new and exciting news in astronomy and planetary science. Since 2014, I've appeared in more than 176 shows and you can find two older episodes below and a playlist of all episodes here.
Astronomy Cast
I've had the great privilege to substitute for Pamela Gay on a couple of episodes of the popular podcast Astronomy Cast. I joined Fraser Cain in 2014 to talk about Saturn's incredible rings and in 2015 to discuss where we might look for life out there in the solar system. Astronomy cast reaches a worldwide audience with weekly, 30-minute shows on all areas of physics and astronomy.
Listen to my episodes below:
Astronomy on Tap
I helped found the Colorado chapter of Astronomy on Tap, a series of astronomy outreach events designed to reach the adult public. Astronomy on Tap pairs short, humorous popular science talks with beer and space-themed trivia games to create an environment in which scientists and the public can connect on an informal level.
I've also delivered three talks as part of the series. "Holy S#!t! Space is BIG," measures the universe based on how fast sprinter Usain Bolt can run. "How Much Would it Cost to Buy a Beer on Mars," was a beer-themed exploration of settling another world. “Not Right Doesn’t Mean Wrong” explored the idea that as science refines our knowledge of the world, it doesn’t invalidate what we knew before.
Monthly News Roundup
From 2012- 2014, I hosted the Monthly News Roundup show as part of the 365 Days of Astronomy podcast. Each show was a 10-15 minute summary of that month's news in astronomy and space exploration. Some back episodes can be found here and the final episode can be heard below: